Singing Guide: Maureen McGovern

Singing Guide: Maureen McGovern

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Maureen McGovern is an American singer known for her soprano voice and ability to sing across multiple genres like Broadway, Classical, Pop, and Jazz. Her unique vocal technique is the use of her extreme vocal range, which enables her to sing in the soprano and mezzo-soprano registers effortlessly. In this article, we'll explore what you can learn from Maureen McGovern's vocal technique and songs that showcase it.

  1. Use Your Head Voice

    Maureen's head voice is one of her strongest weapons. As someone with a rare and wide vocal range, she has trained it to be powerful and agile. To learn how to use your head voice, check out Singing Carrots' Pitch Training to practice and strengthen your vocal registers.

  2. Sing from Your Diaphragm

    Maureen's breath control is one of her hallmarks. She can hold a note for an impressive amount of time and make it sound effortless. One way to achieve this is to sing from your diaphragm. Exercises like the Farinelli Breathing really help in strengthening your diaphragm and support singing from your stomach. Singing Carrots' Breath Support article goes in-depth on why this is important and how to do it.

  3. Warm Up Before Singing

    It's essential to warm up your voice before singing. This is something that Maureen knows and implements. Singing Carrots' 3 Minute Warm Up is perfect for quickly warming up your voice. However, don't forget to open your throat and mouth before jumping into any scales or exercises.

  4. Choose the Right Song

    Choosing the right song is important as it will allow you to showcase your technique. Maureen's version of the song "The Morning After" from the movie "The Poseidon Adventure" is a prime example of this. You can use Singing Carrots' Song search feature to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

  5. Practice with Vibrato

    Finally, Maureen often uses vibrato in her songs, which adds a lot of expression to her performances. Singing Carrots has a video on Vibrato that teaches you how to add it to your singing.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Maureen McGovern requires practice, warmth, breath control, and the proper song selection. Luckily Singing Carrots offers the resources and tools you'll need to develop your vocal range, breath control, and vibrato.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.